These are some of my favorite pictures from the past few months. From bottom to top: Carson's first airplane ride in October. We flew to the East Coast to visit my sister and her family. Carson was wonderful on the plane. He really had fun! On Halloween he was a chunky monkey!! He was so adorable, although he didn't really like the costume too much. Carson was Santa's little helper at Christmas. We dressed him up as a Christmas Elf and passed out candy to all the kids. Carson's first black eye at 9 mos :( He pulled this table over on himself and a picture frame that was on it hit him in the eye :( That was a sad day. Next thing you know... Daddy is bolting all the tables to the wall!
Thanks for following our blog to keep up with our precious Carson! About us: Eric and I have been together for 18 years! In 1998 we got married and decided to move to Utah. We have lived here ever since and love it! We figured this would be an awesome place to raise a family. It turned out that children didn't come so easy for us. After NINE years of trying, our dream finally came true! We now have our little miracle Carson Gilbert Cisneros, born April 19, 2009. He is the love of our life and we can't imagine life without him! We hope there are more to come! Carson is the whole reason for this blog. Hope you can keep up with him!:) We also have two doggies that are a HUGE part of our family! Millie is 4 1/2 and Benny is 3. Carson just loves them so much! And they love him too :)