Thursday, March 3, 2011


Well, our little Carson is finally saying some words! It has been a long time coming. We have been worried that he hasn't started talking yet, but the past month he has really turned into quite the little jibber jabber. He has said Mama, dada and baba for quite a while but not much beyond that until just recently. His most favorite word right now is BALLOON! Sounds more like boon though. There have been some hot air balloons in the early morning around our house and every morning he tries to spot them out the window first thing! If he spots it he yells out BOON! He will stay there as long as he can see it, until it flies too far away. It is so darn cute. Just makes my heart melt! :) Other words we are enjoying him say are: juice, please, no, no mama, don't touch, duck, uh oh, whee, this, that, ben, ball, eww, out, off, shoe, and baby. We are so excited he is finally flourishing in his vocabulary. Last night we all sat down at the dinner table for dinner and Carson dominated the whole conversation. He was telling us quite the story with his little hands and all. It really brought a tear to my eye. We love you our little Carson! You are going to be 2 next month!


  1. Totally brought a tear to my eye too! He is such a little cutie pie! Who is Ben by the way? Just wait until he starts saying stuff like I'm gonna cut you with a knife, that will really melt your heart!)

  2. Uh, you know our dog, Ben? You need to come over more! :)

  3. What a bunch of sissy's we are:) crying because our kids are talking! I say we of course because it made me tear up too...but I knew who bacon Ben was. What a cutie! (Carson, not Ben...ok, he is cute too but not gonna make me cry)
